A systematic review examined research studies on women?s experiences of having their first child.
Source: Ginny Brunton, Meg Wiggins, and Ann Oakley, Becoming a Mother: A research synthesis of women?s views on the experience of first time motherhood, EPPI-Centre (Institute of Education/University of London)
Date: 2011-Dec
Researchers evaluated the teenage parent supported housing pilot. The pilot involved 7 local authorities providing 'enhanced support packages' for teenage parents, with a particular emphasis on those aged 16 and 17 and those not living with parents/carers. The pilot was associated with improved outcomes for teenage parents in a number of areas, most notably by helping them gain and sustain suitable accommodation, and via improved confidence in their own abilities as young adults and parents.
Source: Deborah Quilgars, Sarah Johnsen, Nicholas Pleace, Jennifer Beecham, and Eva Bonin, Supporting Independence? Evaluation of the teenage parent supported housing pilot – Final report, Research Report RR158, Department for Education
Date: 2011-Sep
Researchers examined peer effects in teenage motherhood – in particular, the impact of an elder sister's teenage fertility on the teenage childbearing of a younger sister. Within families, teen births tended to be 'contagious': the effect was larger where siblings were close in age, and for people from low-resource households.
Source: Karin Monstad, Carol Propper, and Kjell Salvanes, Is Teenage Motherhood Contagious? Evidence from a natural experiment, Working Paper 11/262, Centre for Market and Public Organisation (University of Bristol)
Links: Paper
Date: 2011-Aug
A report examined good practice in enhanced housing support for teenage parents.
Source: Identification of Good Practice in Enhanced Housing Support for Teenage Parents, Foyer Federation
Links: Report | Foyer Federation press release
Date: 2011-Apr